PTA球囊扩张导管(商品名:Coyote ES OTW™)
产品名称:PTA球囊扩张导管(商品名:Coyote ES OTW™)
生产厂家:Boston Scientific


该产品是带有Bioslide及XTRASlipcoat涂层的球囊扩张导管,采用同轴设计。外轴用于球囊扩张,导丝管腔则允许使用0.014in的导丝 将导管推进并通过需要扩张的狭窄部位。制造材料:球囊:Pebax;外轴近端:尼龙12和纳米蒙脱土;外轴远端:Pebax;1.5mm型号三层式内 轴:Grilamid、Orevac、HDPE;除1.5mm外其他型号近端三层式内轴:Grilamid、Orevac、HDPE;除1.5mm外其他 型号远端三层式内轴:Pebax、Orevac、HDPE;不透射线标记带:铂铱合金。产品环氧乙烷灭菌,一次性使用。


该产品适用于外周血管系统(包括髂动脉、股动脉、髂股动脉、腘动脉、膝下动脉以及肾动脉)的经皮腔内血管成形术(PTA),并适用于治疗天然或人造透析用动静脉瘘的堵塞病变。2.00mm- 4.00mm的球囊装置还适用于后扩张外周血管内球囊可扩展和自扩张支架。

注册号:SFDA(I) 20113774044(更)

Product Details

Get to

  • with a catheter optimized for excellent track and push
  • with catheters available in OTW and Monorail™ Catheter Platforms and 90 cm and 150 cm lengths

Get through

  • with 0.017" lesion entry profile*
  • with class-leading crossing profile*
  • with a seamless, tapered tip design to facilitate crossing

Get going

  • with rapid deflation times
  • with balloon lengths up to 220 mm
  • with 2 mm Pt-Ir marker bands that clearly define the edges of the balloon

Coyote Monorail Balloon Catheter

Coyote Over-the-Wire Balloon Catheter

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